
Monday, June 19, 2017

20 photos that bring to life what the USA is doing in Uganda

Earlier this year I was thrilled beyond belief to be given a job working for USAID as their photographer. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is the United States Government agency which is primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid. Their budget is a cool 31 billion each year....My job was to bring their work to life through photos. #nopressure

Together, with my colleague, AnneAckerman, we spent the next two months travelling around the country photographing their work here. Considering they deliver a whopping USD$865m in assistance to Uganda every single year, we certainly had our work cut out for us! Each week we'd take turns heading out to the field visiting a selection of their projects in every region of the country.

In total I think I personally visited about 28 projects. It was so incredible to see the work they are doing with so many different partner to do their part to help build a healthy, prosperous, inclusive, educated, empowered and stable country. In total I delivered 1700 edited images from about 10,000 that I took. These are a small selection of some of my favourite photos from our time together creating the Report to the Ugandan People from the United States Mission to Uganda.

Full report can be found here.


  1. These are just stunning Helen - what a gift you have! Thanks for bringing Africa to life for the world.

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