
Monday, October 4, 2021

Healthy Women, Healthy World - the American women that!

Friends, two weeks ago I had the tremendous privilege of being the Keynote Speaker for Medical Teams International at their event - Healthy Women, Healthy World in America.

I spoke for 23 min and took the viewers of their virtual luncheon on a journey both behind the lens and behind the curtain of the work that Medical Teams does. Having seen their work first hand in action in multiple countries I took them with me on a trip to Uganda and Tanzania and told them exactly what I saw and the all important context behind it. I talked about who I met and did my honest best to show the realities of the absolute rollercoaster the Medical Teams doctors, nurses and staff get on every single day. 

The best part of this entire luncheon? That in 24 hours after this airing we raised USD $249,000 for Mamas and their little ones. 

What. An. Honour.

This once a year event is largely run by a group of incredibly passionate women who have been to the field with Medical Teams, loved it, come back and gathered the troops (200-450 women) in Oregon and Seattle for a luncheon that packs a serious punch. I was beyond impressed by them and the Medical Teams staff that put the event on without a hitch! 

If you'd like to watch my section, forward to 21:28 and press play below!

Love to you all!
